why i joined the Foundation for Change

As you can well imagine, trying to start your own non-profit organization is not a financially lucrative endeavor. I’m working hard to get MoveSmart.org off the ground, and we’re counting our pennies and cutting back while I’m only paid for a small part of my time.

Despite these constraints, Abbie and I joined James Perry’s Foundation for Change and will be donating $50 to his campaign every month from now until the election (or run-off, whichever comes last). You should too.

If you follow me online, it’s no secret that I am a fan of James (@jamesperry2010) and am strongly supporting his bid for Mayor of New Orleans. He is a dynamic leader, innovative thinker, and tireless advocate for my hometown – and he’ll make an outstanding Mayor. Read my first post just after he announced his candidacy, what NOLA needs, for some background.

The race for Mayor is wide open. The two other announced major candidates are not from the once powerful NOLA political machines, which have been decimated in the wake of Katrina and a series of criminal convictions. When James entered this race, I knew that he was what the city needed but frankly didn’t know if he was what New Orleans would get. His candidacy began as a long-shot; this 30-something civil rights advocate and housing expert had a tough hill to climb in a city as legendary as Chicago for its political machines. But in just a few months and on a shoe-string budget, James has managed to become a real contender and most political analysts agree that he has a shot at winning.

But James needs your help to make it happen. He’s doing this completely outside of the old political machinery and needs to know what his budget will be month-to-month in order to effectively plan and strategize. Making a monthly commitment now gives James the freedom to focus on getting votes rather than dollars.

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