Urban Geek Drinks (UGD) is an informal gathering of people interested in technology and urban issues. There is no agenda and there are no speakers; just a group of like-minded, passionate, nerdy folks who gather over cocktails, sodas, and food to discuss what we’re working on and scheme about what we might work on next. Bring a handful of business cards and your craziest / best ideas.
To celebrate this special occassion, our regular hosts at Villains have offered free appetizers if at least 45 people RSVP. We’re also seeking sponsors; if you or your company would like to buy folks a round of drinks or a bunch of buffalo wings, please contact us directly.
For UGD regulars, you’ll notice that this month an RSVP is required and that list is exposed while the invite list is suppressed. After a year of purely word-of-mouth growth, it’s time to invite a broader circle of folks to geek out.
Please invite your friends and colleagues and feel free to blog, tweet, forward, or otherwise share this event with anyone you think would be interested.
For updates, follow us on Twitter: @urbangeekdrinks.
A Bit of History:
In April 2010, with my wife and I expecting our first daugther in a few months, I wanted to figure out a way to continue networking with friends and colleagues over a cocktail after work – something I usually did three or four times a month. That pace wouldn’t be sustainable once she arrived, so I went through the keyboard in Gmail, inviting whoever auto-completed on each letter and who I thought might be interested. About 50 people were invited and 40 showed up – I quickly realized that Urban Geek Drinks was going to be something amazing.
Since then, there have been 11 events (we skipped January), ranging from about 20 to more than 50 attendees. Until May 2011, the event has been invite only, with an exposed invite list and no RSVP. To mark the one year anniversary, UGD is evolving.
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